What will 2009 be like?
Created by Richard Watson, from a consulting firm called Future Exploration Network, the 2009 trend map moves on from the subway map theme of the last years to show the multi-tentacled hydra that is the year ahead. PDF download is here.
CORE THEMES include: Uncertainy, Ageing, Global Connectivity, Anxiety and Power Shift Eastwards
SOCIETY: Search for control, enoughism
TECHNOLOGY: Simplicity, Telepresence, Gesture based computing
ECONOMY: De-leveraging, 2-speed economies, Shorter product lifecycles
ENVIRONMENT: Bio fuel backlash, Negawatts, Nuclear power
POLITICS: Virtual protests, Globalisation in retreat, Immigration backlash
BUSINESS: Networked risk, Transparency, Asset price uncertainty
FAMILY: Debt stress, Allowable luxuries, Middle class unrest
MEDIA: Flight to quality, Facebook fatigue, Skimming, Micro boredom