Building a mind map for summarizing my digital identity

Today I have built my "digital identity map", mixing a Novamind Pro mindmap and html code  for making sensitive various zones of it, so that you can click on the links and icons. My objective was to centralize and organize the different places where I publish information on the Web and to present it thru a single mindmap. This  mind map was also published on Flickr here.

My profesional page

Blog in English about visual mapping, design and more
Carte heuristique, pensée visuelle, créativité, Web 2.0
Blog en español sobre el pensamiento visual
My Twitter in English
Mi Twitter en Español
Mon Twitter dans la langue de Molière
Linkedin Profile
My Flickr page


Hobie Swan said…
It's great to see how you integrate graphic elements into your map. As maps become increasingly used for business (which is a good thing), they seem to get drained of these elements in the interest of appearing to be more businesslike. It's a tricky balance.
You're right Hobie, this question of balance is very important, so we should use standardized icons for business mindmaps.
Matthew Tanguay said…
That would make for a good signature when you send emails ;)