Stay competitive in a changing business world with visual thinking

The pace of change in today's economy is dizzying. According to the OECD, the average lifespan of a technical skill is now only 2 years, compared to 30 years in 1987. This fact is undeniable: the ability to learn and adapt is more important than ever to survive and thrive professionally.


In the face of this programmed obsolescence of skills, upskilling is emerging as a smart strategy.

Upskilling is a term increasingly used to describe the training process aimed at enhancing an employee's existing skills to keep them competitive and effective in their jobs amidst constant change.

A powerful lever for change

Visual thinking is much more than a communication technique. It is, above all, a mindset, accompanied by a range of techniques that go beyond traditional approaches. In particular, these techniques help simplify complex concepts, improve memorisation, stimulate creativity and facilitate team collaboration.

The applications of visual thinking are remarkably diverse and affect many professions. Therefore, in the mind map below, we have selected the top 10 professions that benefit most from visual thinking as part of an upskilling strategy. For each profession, the map shows the key contributions of visual thinking to improving existing skills.

click on the image to enlarge it

Investment in the future

Training in visual thinking is not just about acquiring an additional skill. It is about opening the door to innovation, creativity and constant adaptability in a professional world that is constantly reinventing itself. We offer workshops in French and in Spanish that enable any professional to integrate visual thinking and its key tools into their upskilling strategy.
